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Big 5 Labs

Big 5 Labs

90-Minute Health Coaching Call

These 5 labs are Dr. Cabral's highest recommendation, with each lab offering a unique perspective of assessing the body and how specific underlying imbalances may be holding you back from achieving your optimal level of health, including deficiencies and toxicities.

Labs tests included are: Minerals & Metals; Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins; Omega-3 & Inflammation; Food Sensitivity; Mood & Metabolism.

Important Information*: The Big 5 Labs is a lab bundle. All labs in a bundle MUST be registered by the same individual. Please read additional information in our FAQs.

International Customers: Please note that the value of this product may exceed your country’s customs limits, thus requiring a payment of taxes or duties prior to delivery. Please check with your local customs regulations prior to ordering.

  • Please be sure to collect and return your sample within 14 days of receipt of your lab test. All lab tests expire within 6 months of purchase

  • New York State law prohibits the shipment of labs to New York

  • EquiLife has temporarily suspended lab sales into the State of Washington through December 31, 2024.



These are the top 5 lab tests Dr. Cabral recommends to every new Wellness client in his practice that would like a comprehensive deep-dive into their overall health and well-being.

Each of these labs offers a unique perspective of assessing the body and how certain underlying imbalances may be holding you back from achieving your optimal level of health and vitality!

By running the 5 Functional Medicine lab tests listed below you will have the ability to actually discover what your deficiencies and toxicities are. From there you can then begin to build your body back up while ridding it of the toxins that are making you feel sluggish and at less than your best.

Below you will find a short summary of each lab test, as well as individual links to each lab for additional details as needed. Please let us know if you have any questions and we look forward to helping you get back the life and body you've been dreaming of!

Complete Minerals & Metals Test

By examining your mineral imbalances this lab looks at the deeper underlying root causes, which are keeping you from feeling well again. This lab also helps you discover your heavy metal toxicity and mineral levels. Because of its price and comprehensive assessment, the Complete Minerals & Metals Test is my personal choice for getting started in Functional Medicine lab testing. You can complete the lab right at home by taking just a few snippets of hair from the back of your head.

For additional details on this specific lab please click the link below: https://equilibriumnutrition.com/products/hair-tissue-mineral-analysis-test-30-minute-health-coaching-call

Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test

This lab test is easily the most under-rated lab for looking at the deepest root cause level of why you're not feeling well. The Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria. Abnormally high levels of these microorganisms can cause or worsen behavior disorders, hyperactivity, movement disorders, fatigue and immune function. Many people with chronic illnesses and neurological disorders often excrete several abnormal organic acids.

For additional details on this specific lab please click the link below: https://equilibriumnutrition.com/products/organic-acids-test-30-minute-health-coaching-call

Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test

By now most people know how important it is to reduce inflammation in their body. But, very few people actually test their levels to see how healthy their Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratios actually are. This lab allows you to look deep into your blood to see how you measure up and how balanced you really are. Research shows that if you have a 9% or greater saturation rate in your blood of Omega-3s, then you're 90% less likely to die from sudden cardiac death.* The reason why this statistic exists is because plaque or cholesterol does not tell the whole picture. And that's because if your arteries can't expand due to inflammation (too much Omega-6s) then you're far more likely to have a cardiovascular event. So, by increasing your Omega-3 levels to balance your Omega-6s your overall cardiovascular and health profile should improve. This same test can be used to help inflammatory muscle/joint pain, skin, nervous system issues, energy, mood, and much more.

For additional details on this specific lab please click the link below: https://equilibriumnutrition.com/products/omega-3-test-30-minute-health-coaching-call

Complete Food Sensitivity Test

IgG food sensitivity testing is different from typical food allergy testing that looks for severe, life-threatening or immediate food reactions. In my practice, I let people know that I don't see a need to test for foods that you already know you get hives, headaches, low energy, moodiness, or acne from. This state-of-the-art lab specializes in analyzing small droplets of blood that you place on a card and mail in. Your blood will then be tested against 190 of the most common foods, and provide you with an analysis of which foods you are mildly, moderately, and highly reactive to. This is the simplest and most straightforward way to get the results you need to begin making positive health changes in your life.

For additional details on this specific lab please click the link below: https://equilibriumnutrition.com/products/food-sensitivity-test-30-minute-health-coaching-call

Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test

Losing weight has less to do with the amount of calories you eat or how much you exercise, and everything to do with hormone balance, cortisol levels, and metabolism. By looking at the hidden inflammatory triggers and hormone imbalances we can discover what is holding you back from the body you want and the results you deserve.

For additional details on this specific lab please click the link below: https://equilibriumnutrition.com/products/thyroid-adrenal-hormones-test-30-minute-health-coaching-call


All labs at EquiLife were specifically chosen for ease of use. That means I can mail out these labs and they can be completed by you the same week right at home. And that translates to better compliance, faster results, and happier healthier clients. All at-home lab tests take 3-4 weeks to get the results back after you've mailed them in.


Plus, included in this package you will receive a coaching call with an EquiLife® Health Coach to review your lab results. It's time to take back control of your health & body!


  • We will mail your lab test kit out to you within 48 hours of your purchase (M-F).
  • Coaching calls are scheduled for approximately 3-4 weeks after you complete and mail in your lab kit.
  • Your customized health recommendations do not include the cost of recommended food lists or products.
  • Health coaching calls are completed by an EquiLife® Health Coach
  • During your health coaching call you will receive an explanation of your labs, as well as a specific plan for you.
  • During your health coaching call you will receive an explanation of your labs, as well as a specific plan for you.
  • Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Please Note: Lab Tests Must Be Submitted Within Six Months Of Purchase

EquiLife does not provide medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. For more information, please see our Disclaimer here.


Please click the link or image below to download your how to complete your lab test, and how to ship your test kit back to the lab.

Lab Instructions PDF: Click Here

International Shipping Instructions PDF: Click Here

Family First

Every product on this website was formulated with the mindset that my family and I would be using each nutritional supplement.

When you go into a product formulation knowing that your own family and children will use these products it ensures there will never be any compromise…

Plus, I want only the best for my online community and private practice clients. And, since people come to me for results after failing many times in the past, I have to know that every one of these products are truly the best of the best and will help people on their healing journey…


Functional Medicine Formulations

It’s important to understand that not all nutritional supplements are created equal.

For example, in a Functional Medicine practice only methylated or highly bio-available vitamins and minerals will be used in order to make it easy for the body to utilize.

Not only do these formula get better results, but they do not build up as toxins in the body or simply get excreted in the urine like most cheaper forms… 


Zero Compromise Policy

I made a promise to myself when I first started formulating the EquiLife line that I would not compromise on quality…

Even if a product cost me a few more dollars, I would not take any shortcuts in order to make a product for less.

This has enabled EquiLife to set itself apart even in the Functional Medicine community as a leader in the best ingredients used.


GMP Certified

Besides never compromising on using the highest quality ingredients available when formulating our nutritional supplements, I make sure that each batch is 3rd Party tested for contaminants like:

  • Heavy metals
  • Mold
  • Bacteria
  • Impurities
  • Standard dosages

This then allows me to be confident when consuming these products myself and knowing that the dosages are what is stated on the bottle.

Again, this leads to better user results and happier customers and wellness clients!


Consistency & Freshness

Another way in which the EquiLife supplement line sets itself apart as the leader in the industry is by always producing fresh orders every couple of months.

Our products do not sit in warehouses for over a year…

Instead we maintain freshness with smaller continuous batch orders along with climate controlled fulfillment centers.

This guarantees purity, freshness, and taste.

This is a difference you can both see and taste with every bottle!

At EquiLife we strive to provide the fastest and most convenient shipping available!

United States Orders & Shipping 

  • Over $99 = Free Shipping
  • $99 and under = $7.95 Flat Rate Shipping
  • Shipping Rates are calculated on order totals after coupons/discounts and before taxes on qualifying items shipped
  • Please allow 3 - 5 business days for processing and shipping - unless otherwise stated for specific products.
  • Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico may take additional time to receive your shipment
  • Coupon Codes or Deals of the Month may not be applied to previously placed orders

International Orders & Shipping

  • We ship supplements and protocols to the following countries:
    Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Romania, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vietnam.
  • We ship at-home lab tests to the following countries:
    Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom
  • International taxes, tariffs and value-added tax (VAT), along with shipping charges will be calculated into your final order total during Checkout. International taxes, tariffs, and value-added tax (VAT) costs are determined by each individual country. We have no control over these amounts and 100% of these costs are paid to the country. By collecting these funds up-front, your order will be expedited locally and delivered without interruption. You will not be required to pay any additional fees (no COD) at the time of order delivery.
  • Exact shipping charges are determined at the time of checkout based on the number of items, item type, weight and volume of all the items in the cart.
  • For more information about our international shipping policy click here

My "Empty Bottle" 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Since I know you’re going to absolutely love and see & feel the difference by using the EquiLife supplement line I’ve formulated for my private practice, my family, and online community I'm happy to offer you my “Empty Bottle Guarantee!

This means if you don’t see or feel the results you were looking for, or just don’t believe this was the absolute best product in its class that you’ve ever used, simply ship back the empty bottles, within 60 days of your purchase, for 100% of your product purchase price (not including S&H).

My team and I firmly believe in putting our clients and customers first, and we only want the best for you in your wellness, weight loss & anti-aging goals!

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Customer Reviews

Based on 48 reviews
Allison C. (Long Lake, IL, US)
Worth every dollar!

The Big 5 truly changed my life! After completing this and really getting the full picture of what was going on internally in my body and finding those root causes, it brought me on a journey of rebalancing over time and I have never felt better. So thankful for Dr. Cabral and FM!

Sophie (Jacksonville Beach, FL, US)
Super Helpful Information

I suffered from brain fog, gut issues, mood swings, and acne. These labs have been extremely helpful and insightful into my body and what its lacking. It helped drive the decision to what protocol I would need and what additional supplements I need.

Zahra H. (Charleston, SC, US)

Thank you for year 2 of making informed health care for my SELF so easy!

Dionna B. (Westchester, OH, US)
Best thing I've done for myself in years!

I stalled on getting these labs for about a year and a half due to the cost. After hitting rock bottom last year and feeling worse than I ever have in my life, I stopped procrastinating and bought the Big 5, and the Gut, Bacteria & Parasite lab. A total of 6 labs and EVERY one of them revealed issues that explained how sick I have been! Finally, validation in a world where people around you try to make you feel like you're just going crazy. I did the 7-day Liver Detox the first week of the year, and I'm currently finishing the first month of the CBO Protocol. I'm also supplementing with vitamins and minerals that I was severely deficient in. In just five weeks, the road to healing has been LIFE CHANGING for me! My face face is clear for the first time in months. Joint pain that I've dealt with since 2014 is GONE. Headaches/Migraines are GONE. I'm sleeping better than I have since 2017. I'm not exhausted, fatigued or low energy every second of the day. But most importantly, the crying, the bad anxiety that i had developed, and the constant feeling of being overwhelmed with life...ALL ARE GONE! People keep telling me that even my skin color is brighter, and that they haven't seen me so happy in a very long time. These labs can truly change your life like they have mine. Bloodwork at your PCP is not going to get you heard or get you healthy. My only regret is that I wasted the last year and a half to do the labs! Forever grateful to God first for answering my prayers and second to Dr. Cabral for truly wanting to see people get better!

Cheryl L. (Jersey City, NJ, US)
Big 5 Labs

. This allowed me to get to the root cause of my issues! Thanks Dr. Cabral!!!