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Dr. Cabral Detox

Dr. Cabral Detox

In our modern world, we come in contact with thousands of chemicals, toxins and pollutants on a daily basis. As they accumulate in our body, it can have a number of adverse affects on our health -- from weight gain and fatigue to brain fog, bloating and more. The Dr. Cabral Detox is a comprehensive, full body Functional Medicine detoxification system that gently eliminates harmful toxins while rebalancing the body at an underlying root cause level.

  • Powerful weight loss, anti-aging and wellness solution
  • Helps to restore nutrient deficiencies while safely removing toxins
  • Provides complete nutritional support throughout
  • Functional Medicine ingredients and Ayurvedic herbs support Phase 1 & 2 liver detoxification

Take Back Control

You deserve it all -- health, energy, vitality and your ideal body.

In our modern world however, there are an increasing number of challenges preventing you from looking and feeling your best. From household cleaning products to personal care and cosmetics, you come in contact with more toxins before you leave your house than you can count. Add to that environmental pollutants, chemicals from food and day-to-day stress, and it's no wonder you feel powerless to take back your health.

The truth is though, that regaining control over your health is easier than you think -- and it starts by addressing the underlying reasons that are keeping you stuck where you are right now. By combining the science of Functional Medicine with ancient Ayurvedic traditions, the Dr. Cabral Detox is a comprehensive method of restoring the body to a state of dynamic equilibrium.

The Science

Whether you're dealing with issues such as weight gain, brain fog, low mood and bloating, or something more serious, they all have something in common -- they are symptoms, but they are not the cause. That's because the true problem starts at a deeper level due to an imbalance, toxicity or deficiency that can be difficult to uncover.

Thankfully, no matter what your individual health challenges are, the path back to amazing health is the same, with results you can see and feel in as little as 7-days!

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Scientific References

Suggested Use

Wellness Supplements Included

Daily Nutritional Support
Daily Nutritional Support

You know how important it is to fuel your body on a daily basis with the nutrients it needs to thrive. The problem is, even if you're eating healthy, it's nearly impossible to achieve optimal nutrition through food alone (even organic). This is why the EquiLife Daily Nutritional Support was formulated by Dr. Cabral. It is a vegan, hypoallergenic protein powder, fortified with a wide range of activated vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, detox co-factors, and electrolytes, making it a one-stop-shop to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet.

AYU Detox
AYU Detox

The AYU Detox utilizes rare botanical extracts that have been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to assist the body through detoxification. Triphala, a combination of three ayurvedic herbs, has been formulated in careful synchrony to support the body through both phases of liver detoxification.

FM Detox (no NAC)
FM Detox (no NAC)

The FM Detox provides your body with important amino acids, antioxidants, herbal extracts, trace minerals, and essential vitamins to promote and enhance detoxification, while protecting the liver. Liver detoxification occurs in two phases. During both, the body requires specific nutrients that induce and enhance detoxification pathways. The FM Detox utilizes the best of Functional Medicine to enhance detoxification, while supporting the liver.

Daily Nutritional Support
Daily Nutritional Support
Daily Nutritional Support
AYU Detox
Daily Nutritional Support
FM Detox (no NAC)
Gluten Free
Nut Free
Dairy Free
Egg Free
Soy Free

The EquiLife Advantage

Product Reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 1168 reviews
Leah S. (Carrollton, TX, US)
AMAZING feeling eating to live

@homegrownurban helped me make adjustments over the past 2 months before my detox so I hardly had headache or low energy. She helped make a smooth transition.

Kenisha H. (Waverly, TN, US)
Liver Detox

First day was tough and I found myself with headache and hunger in the afternoon, I pushed fluids and lemon water and made it till about 5pm the following Day 2 before I did have a very small snack, Day 3 was better when I got to eat food!! Day 4-7 where all about the same I did not find that I got the energy I was expecting however, this could be my body just getting rid of the toxins. Overall I enjoyed the cleanse. I did have some right upper quad discomfort on day 5 but I also was somewhat constipated which may have contributed this has not resolved.

Denise A. (Columbus, OH, US)
Great product

Everything in the box is easy to understand and follow . I am so grateful I am doing this . I am continuing on to my 3 rd week and love it . I feel better after eliminating my toxic lifestyle. And have lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks!

Jeff S. (Katy, TX, US)
21 Day Detox

I’m on day 7 of my 21 day detox and I can absolutely tell a difference. I feel more energized and have lost weight.

Troy R. (Monument, CO, US)
Skeptic to Believer!

I was very skeptical at first, when my son said I had to try the detox. Was it another sham? Scam? Diet? ... NO!
I have religiously followed the guidance / instructions. I have not missed the 'normal' foods I used to eat. The shakes are pretty good. The amount of food allotted for lunch and dinner would leave me over-full, if I tried to consume the max. I am feeling good. Actually have energy TO talk a walk in the park. Have dropped ~1lb/2days ... which is not what we were going for, but hey, every bit counts! I look forward to having the doctor take my numbers after this detox as my liver, kidneys and heart weren't showing the best of numbers for my age.

Yep - a full BELIEVER now!